HE’S your lover boy, your boo, your bunny, your candy pie, and you dearly love him so much. It started well and lover boy is so over you that you never cared about anything else, not even the world rolling by. You are lost in the garden of lovie-dovie and that seems all sufficient.
Your bestie sees the signs that something is not right, but you are too blind to see things the way they truly are. She warns you that lover boy is a rip-off and you are to him just an ATM machine, but you lose it and call your friend aproko, amebo, and even vowed never to ever talk to her again.
Be your own bestie, and shine your eye well, well
Yes! It’s fine if you don’t want to trust anyone’s instinct. But the five signs in this post can always help should you need a self-assessment of your love life. Your friends, family, and loved ones may roll by as intruders, but there could be some truth lurking about what they rushed in to tell you about him.
These five signs truly could help:
He only contacts you when he wants something: If he only reaches out to you when he wants something from you, such as money, sex, or emotional support, it could be a sign that he is using you and the bomb will drop anytime soon. To be ahead of him, begin to turn down to his demands and watch his reactions. If he adjusts to your saying ‘no’ for a long period of time and he is still around, maybe you only need advise him to go get a job. If he starts avoiding you or he starts acting funny, throw him into the nearest trash can!
He only talks about himself: If a man only talks about himself and doesn’t seem interested in your life or feelings, it could be a sign that he is only interested in his own needs and desires. When you cut in between his blabs, does he get angry, or get irritated? At such moment, does he shout you down fiercely? If it’s an affirmative, run! Lover boy is no match for your sweet soul.

He doesn’t respect your boundaries: If a man disregards your boundaries, as in, he wants you to do it all his own way without leaving room for you to express yourself and your humble freedom, get out and go get yourself a puppy to give your sweet tender love. It could be a sign that he is not ever going to respect you as a person and he will be more interested in his own needs.
He is not interested in a committed relationship: If lover boy is not interested in a committed relationship and only wants a casual fling (unless that’s what you want too), then you had be a silly girl to hang in there! He doesn’t love you and you are just an orange being sucked rotten. Silly girl you are, indeed! He had already told you he is not down for a committed relationship; so he can be pardon, discharged, and acquitted! You will loose it all in no time, your emotion trapped in between.
He is domineering: If a man tries to control your behavior, who you talk to, or where you go, it could be a sign that he is out to limit your independence and at the end of it all, turn you into a dundee. And that sucks.
Play along, then let it out
It’s important to trust your instincts and pay attention to how you feel in any relationship. If you feel like you are being exploited or used by him, it’s essential to have an honest conversation with your partner, and if things are not going to change for good, consider ending the relationship. If you are need more guide, this post from Mom Junction blog may help.
More relationship posts from me, read this masterpiece. Avila truly cares.